GSS Lab Supreme SARM Stack is a core stack of SARMs and body support components that can give a powerful boost to the progress of naturally trained athletes.
The drug belongs to the drugs with antiestrogenic effect, i.e. blocking estrogen receptors. Why does an athlete need it? The fact is that steroids, increasing the production of testosterone, simultaneously increase the level of female hormones, in particular estradiol.
Testosterone propionate (TP) is a prodrug of testosterone (T) and is an
androgen and anabolic-androgenic steroid. That is, it is an agonist of the
androgen receptor.
Anabolic activity – 320% testosterone. Androgenic activity – 30% testosterone. Stanozolol helps create quality muscle growth. Combined with a serious workout, Stanozolol creates strong muscles. Winstrol allows the user to continue building muscle mass without water retention, giving the bodybuilder’s musculature a firm, chiselled appearance.
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